




How to edit videos only using smartphone

You can edit videos only using smartphone. All you have to do is taking a lot of pictures and videos as you like. If you haven't never used Google Photos, so you shold install it. I recommend this. A lot of pictures and videos is uploaded …

【Sierra 10.12.1】iMovie 10.1 crashes when trying to export the movie

Whenever I try to export the movie, iMovie crashes. I called Apple official support. He said you shold switch from the old version iMovie to the new one. Because it sometimes doesn't work on latest OS(Sierra) so he recommend to use latest …

Bulding testing invironment for Ansible according to "Ansible for Beginners"

I traced this article(Ansibleをはじめる人に。 - Qiita) to build testing invironment for Ansible. Firstly I installed Vagrant. You can get the installer at this URL. Click DOWNLOAD button. Choose the installer as you like. Open the installe…

Solution of "vagrant add" error (An error occurred while downloading the remote file.)

Now I'd like to use Ansible for configuration management of our production invironment, so I built testing invironment for Ansible according to this reference( http://qiita.com/t_nakayama0714/items/fe55ee56d6446f67113c ). This reference is…

MINOURAのスマートフォンホルダをGIANT ESCAPE R3(2017)に取り付けてみた

先日、GIANT ESCAPE R3(2017)を嫁とおそろいで2台購入した。嫁は自転車で出かけるのが好きなようだが地図を読むのが苦手なので、いつも止まってはGoogleマップで地図を広げては地図をくるくるまわしては方向を確認して走り始め、止まってはGoogleマップをく…


一時期、2年くらい前に成増のセブンイレブンでよく買っていたカモ井のゆでピーナッツが、実は、意外とどこにでも売られているというわけではないことに気づいたのは、成増の家を出たあとだった。 無性にカモ井のゆでピーナッツが食べたいが、どこに売ってい…